Legal Resources in Colorado
When considering legal issues for your special needs child, it is strongly recommended that you contact
an attorney that specializes in children with disabilities. There are many attorneys in Colorado that offer
free to low-cost legal assistance to persons with disabilities. Here are a few resources that may help you
get started with these processes:

Disability Law Colorado
We offer free or low-cost legal services to people with disabilities whose civil or human rights have been violated.

Colorado Legal Services
CLS is a non-profit agency that provides free, high quality civil legal services to eligible low-income Coloradans and seniors. We can help with family law, consumer debt, housing law, living wills, powers of attorney, problems with Social Security and other government benefits, tax controversies with the IRS (including IRS appeals and identity theft), civil problems, and immigration. We cannot help with criminal or traffic cases.

Denver Bar Association
Metro Volunteer Lawyers (MVL) bridges the gap in access to justice by coordinating the provision of pro-bono legal services by volunteer lawyers within the Denver Metro Area to those in need.

Spies, Powers & Robinson, P.C
Our Special Education law practice offers a full range of legal and advocacy services to protect and advance the interests of special needs students. We handle a broad range of education matters, including:
- Consulting on your legal rights and the school district’s responsibilities to your student
- Advocacy at an IEP Team Meeting or Manifestation Determination Review
- Legal representation for a mediation or due process proceeding
- IDEA Complaints and proceedings